A chat about kiteboarding in the Cooks with the KiteSUP Watersport Centre in Muri Village.

How easy is it to learn how to kiteboarding on a holiday?
The average time frame from knowing nothing, to confidently flying a kite and getting a board on your feet is six hours. A background in sailing, wakeboarding, surfing, skateboarding, or other water or board sports helps. The prime trade wind months are June to October; these winds predominate out of the southeast making Muri lagoon the best place to learn. If you check in with us at the beginning of your holiday you can be sure to get started on the best windy days. You will certainly be intrigued, challenged and possibly addicted to kiteboarding after a weeklong holiday.

What are your suggestions to those who what to try, and how much is it going to cost them?
A great option for those who aren't sure about signing up for an entire course is to try a group lesson of 3 or 4 people. A group lesson can easily be arranged through us if you are the only one in your party who is keen to give kiteboarding a go. This option saves you money (as low as $90 for a 4 person lesson), and it also gives you the opportunity to learn from watching others. As another money saving bonus, we throw in a complimentary 1-hour kayak or paddleboard rental with each lesson you take.

Can someone become 'quite good' at kiteboarding on a short stay holiday?
The benefit of our teaching structure is lessons are just 2 hours in length per lesson. This leaves plenty of time to spend with your partner, family and friends, and also maximises your learning. You are able to absorb all the information and build your muscle memory patterns properly. For some it is realistic to be riding short distances both directions after a 6-hour course.

What other water-based activities does Kite SUP Watersports offer from your centre?
We are a one stop shop for all your on the water, and off the water needs! 1 or 2 hour paddle-board and kayak rentals are popular. Paddle beneath the stars on our fire on water night tour. Our three distinctly unique guided snorkel tours are a fantastic way to experience some of Rarotonga's marine treasures, or you can blissfully float along in a paddleboard yoga class.

We offer a great menu of services: paddle board and kayak rentals, surf ski lessons and tours, fire-on-water night paddle tour, paddle and snorkel tours, sea scooter tours, paddle board yoga, wind surfing, and retail therapy!

What combination of water-based activities do you recommend to visitors who are here for a week?
A popular itinerary typically looks like this:
Day 1: Paddle-board hire
Day 2: Guided snorkel tour (with or with out sea scooters)
Day 3: Fire on water night tour
Day 4: Paddle-board yoga
Day 5: Downwind tandem surf ski tour

Visit KiteSUP Watersports Centre, next to Deli-Licious Café, main road, Muri Village.
T: +682 27 877
E: info@kitesup.co

W: kitesup.co

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